All Your Promises Won't Let Go of Me
Youth Sunday was nice, and Eric and Min did great! SO did everyone else, and I didn't get a youth sunday hangover, but more of a...CHURCH ppl hangover. Love youthphoria so much.
Fear. Yea it comes and goes. I know fear=not trusting in the goodness of God; forgetting He's good all e time and all His promises. I fear of future challenges; or when He gives something only to cruelly take it back; or where i'll end up; or bad news.
Thats the feeling. The truth? God's good. All e time. Simple, yet simple to forget too. But the truth is, God's good all e time, even when it dosen't seem like it. The Devil seems like the good guy sometimes huh? He'll win Oscars for his acting. Too bad can't get past God. Too bad for him.
Busybusy. Yet He's still by our side, even when we don't care. Indescribable. I wanna call it painful love. And lets make it wonderful for Him by accepting that love.
Lord we accept Your love; love which we don't deserve at all. We feel guilty for not giving back enough to You; we don't feel good enough for You. We always try harder for You, but fail so many times. Father teach us that all You want is us; not someone trying to be something else; not someone trying to hide our fears and failures and weaknesses. You want us just as we are; not anything more or less. Thank you for looking at our hearts and not outward appearance. We wanna love You, ourself and others authentically. Amen.
Hold me now in Your arms, and never let me go.
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