Wednesday, August 25, 2010

No more Honeymoon, forever my Honey


Countless people have asked me about it. And I know, out of all who ask, most of them don't feel hopeful for me. I know, I can't tell. Thanks to the encouraging few out there!!

Some people ask me if its tough. Is it tough? DUH. But does it mean that just because its tough, I give up on this wonderful girl that I've set my eyes on? You know what: marriage is tough sometimes. Does it mean you don't get married forever?

True enough, LDR ain't always easy. We have our valleys, quarrels etc. And of course, some people think we're still in our honeymoon period. Dang find out the facts first!

But the most important fact of all, is that this is gonna be possible, and that I will stick to this darling always, is because of Jesus in our lives. More and more, we see why having a strong relationship with Jesus first is so important. Because sooner or later, we see the spots of the other person. The bad habits, the pimples and the white hair.

Yet, only God's love surpasses all these and loves the person exactly for who he or she is. And because we have a model to follow, that's what keeps a relationship going. When we imitate God's love, we come out of a quarrel sweeter than before; stronger than ever.

Love is about risk too. And we have taken the risk to open our hearts to each other. We were hurt by each other before, but God has miraculously brought us back together. And we look back and now realize that the period of pain, was perhaps, necessary.

We believe God has so much more in store, and we're opened to His leading. People show me a certain face when I tell them I don't know what to do after I finish my studies. 'How're you gonna earn money, provide for family etc etc' Yea sure the man's the provider of the family, and I will work hard in future. But deep in my heart, the TRUE PROVIDER and BREAD MAKER of my family is God. He has been providing for my own family and will continue to do so. And when we trust in His providence, it opens us up to so much more. It frees us to do His work and His will, and we no longer have the burden of thinking of how to make money, because God said to seek His Kingdom and it'll be added unto us.

So we think of seeking His Kingdom, not seeking money. Of course, my dear girl loves God so much and from her life, anyone can tell she's juz living for Jesus.

And look at my parents. More than 10 yrs w Dad in Vietnam. Now our family's probably closer than before.

If God is for us, who can be against us!

ARISE 2010

Wow what an experience it has been! Serving with the Clancys has always been so refreshing! Its so encouraging to see people walking by faith and giving their lives COMPLETELY to God, and the result is pure joy; living for Him and the miracles that follow when we open our lives to God.

The past 1 yr in Maju might have hardened me a bit. Perhaps I've had to deal with all sorts of people and slowly, my heart conditioned itself not to open up to others and perhaps, even to God. But finally, a mini- breakthrough. God simply touched me in the most unexpected place - in the shower. I was just singing ' Jesus You are my Lord, my God, You're my Saviour'. And then - my heart was strangely warmed. God's love just reassured me again, and perhaps broke down the barriers of fear that my heart would be hurt by others, and to let me not just know, but experience and let God's love sink into my heart, and live it out in my life. For Christians who grow up in church, its easy to know about God's love, and because of the judgmental nature of people (esp Singaporeans), we are sort of being forced to 'know' it. Yet what's the point if our hearts don't realize it. Only God can soften and change our hearts.

And so, I'm opened to God's leading. Wherever You lead, help me to go. Cos we Christians have nothing to lose!
