Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Rubik's Cube

This analogy's quite nice. Got it from some book, and will try to put it into my own words as accurately as possible.

In the world of Rubik's Cube, there are only 2 groups pf people: experts and those who CMI. Quite obvious which group you'll belong to:) Pass the square to somebody from the latter? Will take years to complete, and seems impossible to even so. No matter how much he or she twists and turns, the cube goes back to square 1, or may even end up in a bigger mess. Without help, that person usually ends up discouraged, and will most likely give up.

That is until an expert comes along. The pro of the Rubik cube. And what seems to others as a challenge, is merely a routine for the pro. Others struggle with it; the pro chills with it. He knows what he's doing; it's HIS territory.

We can't compete with God. It's His game. He'll own us totally. What seems like a problem to us is actually a process for Him. We twists and turn on our own? Not much progress. Hand the cube to Him? On the way to victory. We place ourselves in the hands of the pro who knows it all; every single step ahead; every twist and turn, all which brings us one step closer to a win. Best to surrender to Him, and the great news is that He's on our side. Not to 'compete' with us, but to help us through. To teach us which are the best moves, even if it involves painful turns that seem meaningless at times. But slowly we'll learn.

Time will understand the mystery of His plan.

And finally one day, He'll hand over the cube to us, for us to solve. Get stucked again? He's there ready to help.

Btw, there's an official Rubik Cube website. ;)

Monday, June 25, 2007

Never Gonna Be As Big As Jesus

After 4 days at the World Economic Forum (WEF), all I can say is: time to read newspapers. :):) haha no la..man but after 4 intensive days of just being alert and surrounded by big shots, you can't help but be both amazed. This is one big test of who or what you place your identity in. And these 4 days has certainly taken a toll on my spiritual life, family and friends. Thank God it's just 4 days, and I must say it's been a wonderful experience.

Amazed; amazed at how smart people can become. The depth of their content, excellant language and spontaneous analysis..oh my. My first encounter with what BRILLIANCE really is. How can somebody become so smart?!?! Awesome man those folks. You can't help but feel dumb or insignificant sometimes hehe. And the CEO of Coca-Cola was like at least 2m high, super fierce yet charismatic.

I feel like digging up my old economics textbooks and magazines and kinda 'force' myself to be interested in business, politics and economics. I'm tempted to wanna BECOME like those dudes. i know i'm not made for that though; but for His glory and not mine! Why force youself to do something that you don't like? Just coz its...'GREAT'?! Wake up Lam. Haha maybe they're all I've ever wanted to be; smart, great speakers, confident, interesting, charismatic, super deep thinkers etc.

By saying that though, i know i'm magnifying them. I'm making them bigger than they actually are, when in reality, they too will live and die, have 2 hands and feet, family and friends and even the chance of salvation. Guess we do that alot; magnifying everything else on this earth, including our problems. But i know of course, only God deserves that. And he deserves to be magnified because we can never fathom how big is He. WE CAN NEVER 'OVER-MAGNIFY' GOD. Simply too big.

I skipped the celebration coz i was tired. Or maybe just my introverted side dominating. Yea I don't like big parties and stuff, except church ppl! Some ppl still can squeeze out the extro part of me, so i give thx for them:)

In case you get similar cases to mine above, remember this song! No one's gonna ever be as big as Jesus, and it's a comfort we're in the hands of da biggest.

Never Gonna Be As Big As Jesus by Audio Adrenaline

I could move to hollywood
Get my teeth capped I know I could
Be a big star on the silver screen
Just like james dean I could be a star
I could climb the corporate ladder
Buy, sell, and liquidate
Maybe be just like the beatles
Melodic, rocking heavyweights
I could learn to sing and dance
If I only had a chance
I could be a big rock star

I could be anything I wanted to
I wanted to
I could be anything but one things true
Never gonna be as big as jesus
Never gonna hold the world in my hand
Never gonna be as big as jesus
Never gonna build a promised land
But thats alright okay with me

I could build a tower to heaven
Get on top and touch the sky
I could write a million songs
All designed to glorify
I could be about as good
Good as any human could
But that wont get me by

I could be anything I wanted to
I wanted to
I could do anything but one things true
Never gonna be as big as jesus
Never gonna hold the world in my hand
Never gonna be as big as jesus
Never gonna build a promised land
But thats alright okay with me

Great song:) Ah still struggling with loneliness. Nvm Wee Teck my new best fren, coz he gets that too. HAHAHA.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Glory of His Plan

Can someone exchange souls with me pls:) Okay what the crap was that. I just hate the position i'm in sometimes; my life and all. Struggling with a problem that's like not 'tangible'; sucks alot. I hate being affected so much by it, while to the rest of the world it's nothing. I so wanna go back to my childhood. But that's childish thinkin, so I shall grow up. I know i'm gonna be so amazed when i climb over this mountain.

Wait on the Lord. That's easy, especially when there's nothing else we can do. When there's no one else to turn to and no where we can escape to. When the pathway's destroyed and the signs are pointing to hopelessness. I think God wants more than that.

Wait on the Lord with joy. Now that's hard. I want to move on so bad. Really I want to move on so damn friggin badly, I'll do almost anything to get out of this. Stuck in this valley for so long, I will climb my ass up and over this stupid mountain and friggin get over it. I cry with all my heart; I WANT TO MOVE ON. But there seems no way out.

I'm so affected sometimes, but you don't even know. Heck; probably never even bothered you. But it's alright; God knows. In the meantime though, looks like i'll be the big time loser. And it's always my fault. Not anyone, not God, but mine. Ok the more I'm typing, the more my blood is boiling. Don't know why I'm angry. But this week was more of a weary one, though there were good slacking times, but the mind's a battlefield. I get owned in that. My emotions just run.

Hope this following true story encourages you. From 'Facing Your Giants' by Lucado.

Willem wanted to preach. By the age of 25, he'd experienced enough life to know he was made for ministry. He sold art, taught language, traded in books; he could make a living, but it wasn't a life. His life was in the church. His passion was with the people.

So his passion took him to the coalfields of southern Belgium. There in the spring of 1879, this Dutchman began to minister to the simple, hardworking miners of Borinage. Within weeks, his passion was tested. A mining disaster injured scores of villagers. Willem nursed the wounded and fed the hungry; even scraping the slag heaps to give his people fuel.

After the rubble was cleared and the dead were buried, the young preacher had earned a place in their hearts. The tiny church over-flowed with people hungry for his simple messages of love. Young Willem was doing what he'd always dreamed of doing.


One day his superior came to visit. Willem's lifestyle shocked him. The young preacher wore an old soldier's coat. His trousers were cut from sacking, and he lived in a simple hut. Willem had given his salary to the people. The church official was unimpressed. "You look more pitiful than the people you came to teach," he said.

Willem asked if Jesus wouldn't have done the same. The older man would have none of it. This was not the proper appearance for a minister. He dismissed Willem from othe ministry. The young man was devastated. He only wanted to build a church. He only wanted to honor God. Why God wouldn't let him do His work?

Initially, he was hurt and angry. He lingered in the small village, not knowing where to turn. But one afternoon he noticed an old miner bending beneath an enormous weight of coal. Caught by the poignancy of the moment, Willem began to sketch the weary figure. His first attempt was crudem but then he tried again. He didn't know it, but at that very moment, Willem discovered his true calling.

Not the robe of clergy, but the frock of an artist.
Not the pulpit of a pastor, but the palette of a painter.
Not the ministry of words, but of images. The young man the leader would not accept became an artist the world could not resist:

Vincent Willem van Gogh
His "but God" became a "yet God".
Who's to say yours won't become the same?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Nobody Said It Was Easy

Lord take me back to the start...

I'm hanging on to You.